Milton Garden Club

Founded in 1924, the Milton Garden Club strives to promote knowledge and appreciation of gardening and to encourage and engage in educational projects relating to conservation, horticulture, civic planting and preservation.

The Milton Garden Club is celebrating 100 Years in the town of Milton, Massachusetts. The club was organized in 1924 with the purpose of promoting the knowledge and appreciation of gardening. Our club joined the Garden Club of America A in 1927 and our roster of members continue in our hundredth year to encourage and engage in educational projects relating to conservation, horticulture, and civic planting.


Club members maintain six gardens around the town of Milton including Hemerocallis (Lily) Corner, Horse Trough at Canton Avenue, Milton Public Library flower garden, Powder House, Trailside Museum native plants and rain gardens, and Spalding Garden.


Club members learn about floral design and participate in flower shows.


Milton Garden Club has a long history of promoting protection and and restoration of our natural resources and being good stewards of these assets. Members regularly attend the National Affairs and Legislation Conference held annually in Washington, DC to lobby on behalf of conservation issues with legislators.


Members learn about gardening and identifying plants. Much focus is on the propagation and preservation of native plants and supporting pollinators.


Photography documents the beauty of flowers and the natural world.


Milton Garden Club offers community grants to individuals or organizations in need of funds to complete a beautification, conservation or community service effort in the town of Milton. Applications for grants are accepted in March.

The Milton Garden Club, founded in 1924, has a long- standing tradition of promoting gardening, education and community service. The Club’s annual calendar is filled with lectures, hands-on experiences, flower shows, tending of community gardens, field trips and planning, and implementing our fundraisers.

Members maintain the Hemercallis (Lily) Corner, the historic Powder House, the gardens in front of the Milton Public Library, and the Horse Trough. In 2013 we won a Partner’s for Plants Award from the GCA to restore the Native Plant Garden at the Trailside Museum which the club maintains in addition to a rain garden. The Club owns and maintains an historic garden designed by Fletcher Steele for Katherine Spalding, a past president of the Milton Garden Club. We have documented over 10 Milton gardens for the Archives of American Gardens at the Smithsonian.

A major focus of the Club’s conservation agenda is the Neponset River. Once dotted with mills and other industrial sites, the river-after much remediation- is cleaner than it has been in two centuries.  The Neponset River Educational Program was designed by our Club to educate fourth graders about the history and importance of our River through conservation.

The Club has awarded grants to entities in the town that are symbiotic with our mission. Annual fundraisers, a holiday greens sale and perennial sale sustain the Club’s programs and projects and contribute to a spirit of camaraderie. We have received awards from local organizations recognizing us for many years of service. We welcome all of you to come and visit, we would be happy to show you around.

Contact Us

Milton Garden Club is a member of the Boston Committee of the Garden Club of America. It is celebrating over 35 years of horticultural initiatives to enhance the City of Boston.