Community Grants

The Milton Garden Club is pleased to announce it will be offering up to $2,500 in community grants to individuals or organizations in need of funds to complete a beautification, conservation or community service effort in the town of Milton.

Milton residents, students and teachers are invited to submit requests for funds to complete projects that uphold the ideals of the MGC, including conservation, horticulture, civic beautification, garden education or community service.  Applicants are not restricted by age, nor is there a minimum amount to request.

Applicants must be residents of or students/teachers in Milton; projects must primarily benefit the town or residents of Milton; projects must be completed by June 1, 2026. Garden Club members are not eligible; MGC family members may not apply, but may work on the project. Non-profit organizations only.

For an application, click on the “Download Application” button. For questions, please email The deadline for completed applications is March 24, 2025. Award recipients will be chosen by Garden Club board members and notified in June.